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Our recruiter will contact you as soon as he receives an offer that interests you.

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By submitting your resume, you consent to MK Job Sp. z o.o. processing your personal data. your personal data contained in your CV and other application documents for the purpose of using them in future recruitment processes, including sharing the above data with a potential employer. Please be informed that the administrator of your personal data contained in the submitted application documents is MK Job Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at 250 Wielicka Street, 30-663 Kraków KRS 0000778248. We encourage you to read our Data Processing Policy, which contains information on the purpose, scope and methods of our personal data processing.
I agree that MK Job Sp. z o.o. may send me marketing information by e-mail or SMS: about new recruitment processes, materials related to the company's activities, educational, events, invitations or other labor market events.
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